Why you should never mix business with pleasure


In honor of it being throwback Thursday I though I would share a story from my early days in the industry. It is also a good lesson in why you should never work with your boyfriend.—At least when you have a crazy on your hands.

So at this time I worked for a restaurant as a cashier. I was not quite old enough to serve–hey you have to start somewhere right? Anyways, I had worked at this place for awhile and ended up getting my boyfriend a job as well. Oh how I should have listened when they told me it was a bad idea.

We had a pretty interesting relationship anyways. One of those ” I know I can change him ” kind of relationships. Boy was I wrong.

So one day we break things off and we are both at work. One of my guy friends came in to visit me and we had made plans to get together later that day. —Side note: My best friend also worked with us– So I had told her my plans for the night before I left and we planned to meet up later. She wasn’t supposed to get off work for a few hours yet.

So not thinking anything of the crazy ex boyfriend I went home and started to get ready for the night. Out of nowhere I get a call from my best friend–I had thought it was really weird that she would call me during work so I answered thinking something was wrong. My god was something wrong.

Mr. Crazy had locked her in the freezer and forced her to call me. He literally would not let her out. So she told me he was holding her in the freezer until she called me and found out if it was true that I was going over to this guys house later. HOW CRAZY IS THAT!!

But that’s not where it ends. You would think it enough for him to harass my friend, but no he had to come and harass me as well. About an hour or so later I hear a pounding on my front door. –My mom travels for work so she wasn’t home– I looked out of the upstairs window to find my ex and 3 of his biggest friends outside my door. So I open the front door-but not the screen- and he’s crying! I have no idea what the hell is wrong with him at this point. His friends are actually looking at me as if they feel bad. However, they try to tell me to let him in —RIGHT? like I am really going to open my door to someone who just locked my friend in a freezer and is currently ripping his shirt for no reason?

So eventually it becomes such a fiasco that my neighbor comes to try and get him to leave. My ex tries to fight him and it doesn’t go well. At this point all I want to do is get out of there. Oh but sure enough they had blocked my car in.

Eventually I was able to leave and he got fired for locking my friend in the freezer.

This is an extreme case, but definitely an example of why you should not date within your work place!